Family Law

When it comes to family law we at Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP have a deep understanding of the particular difficulties experienced by clients at one of the most stressful periods in their lives. We always endeavour to deal with these matters in a professional, sensitive and efficient manner. Our solicitors are mindful of the difficult positions that clients find themselves in and have the ability to provide a discreet, dignified and professional services at all times. We recognise that it is a time of great emotional challenges and financial worries.

Our dedicated family law team deal with all of the following areas:

  • Divorce
  • Judicial Separation
  • Separation agreements
  • Access
  • Custody
  • Guardianship applications
  • Co-habitation agreements
  • Barring & safety orders
  • Domestic Violence
  • Hague Convention applications
  • Recognition of Foreign Divorces

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We offer a patient and understanding service with full assessment and advice on all options available including the engagement of supportive expertise such as Family Guidance Counsellors, Mediators, Psychologists and Financial Advisors where applicable.

We act in cases appearing before the District Court, Circuit Court and High Court. We also strive to achieve resolutions of all issues through Alternative Dispute processes, such as Mediation.


A court can grant a divorce once the following conditions must be met:

  • The couple must have been living apart from one another for at least 2 out of the previous 3 years before the application is made  and there must be no reasonable prospect of reconciliation.
  •  Proper arrangements must have been made or will be made for the spouse and any dependent members of the family such as children and other relatives.

When a decree of divorce is granted, this allows both parties to a marriage to remarry or enter into a civil partnership. The parties must satisfy the court that the required conditions have been met in order for the decree to be granted.

Judicial Separation

When a couple cannot agree the terms by which they will separate, they can apply to the Courts for a Decree of Judicial Separation.  Once the court is satisfied that certain requirements have been met, it can grant this Decree. This can be a very complex process and your solicitor will be able to best advise you in this regard.A decree of judicial separation does not give you the right to remarry or enter into a civil partnership.

If you are seeking advice on separation or any other family law matter,  we would be delighted to assist you at Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP. We have extensive experience in dealing with all family law matters including separation. We understand that this can be a very difficult period in the client’s life and we always endeavor to deal with these matters in a professional, sensitive and efficient manner.

Separation Agreements

A Separation relates to an agreement between a married couple, whose marriage has broken down, concerning the terms on which they will separate. This agreement does not allow the parties to remarry as a divorce would.

If you are seeking advice on separation or any other family law matter,  we would be delighted to assist you at Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP. We have extensive experience in dealing with all family law matters including separation. We understand that this can be a very difficult period in the client’s life and we always endeavor to deal with these matters in a professional, sensitive and efficient manner.


Where either married or unmarried parents of a child or children separate, the children have a right of access to their parents. In circumstances where the parties cannot agree an arrangement, the courts will decide. The child’s needs and welfare are paramount and the court will use their best endeavours to ensure the children have a relationship with both parents.

At Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP we have extensive experience in dealing with all family law matters including access. We understand that this can be a very difficult period in the client’s life and we always endeavor to deal with these matters in a professional, sensitive and efficient manner.

Custody & Guardianship

Custody is the right to the physical care and control of a child. When the parents of a child in Ireland separate and they cannot agree on who should have custody of the child, the court will decide.

When the court is making its decision about who should have custody of the child, the most important factor for it is the welfare of the child. Welfare includes the child’s religious, moral, intellectual, physical and social welfare.

If you are a guardian of a child in Ireland, you have a duty to maintain and properly care for the child and you have a right to make decisions about the child’s religious and secular education, health requirements and general welfare.

Married parents of a child are joint-guardians and have equal rights in relation to the child. For children born outside of marriage in Ireland, only the mother has automatic rights to guardianship.

At Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP we have extensive experience in dealing with all family law matters including custody and guardianship. We understand that this can be a very difficult period in the client’s life and we always endeavor to deal with these matters in a professional, sensitive and efficient manner.

Barring Orders & Safety Orders

At Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP we have extensive experience in advising clients as to how to obtain the appropriate help in a situation of domestic violence and always deal with these matters in a professional, sensitive and efficient manner.You should immediately ensure the safety of yourself and your children if you are a victim of domestic violence.The victim can be male or female and the District Court deals with applications on a speedy basis.You can attend the Court where you will be given an early Hearing date or even an Order there and then.


Nullity of marriage is a declaration by a court that your supposed marriage is null and void, and that no valid marriage exists between you and your partner. In other words, it is a declaration that the supposed marriage never happened.

If you are seeking advise on nullity of marriage then please contact us at Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP. We have extensive experience in dealing with all family law matters. We understand that this can be a very difficult period in the client’s life and we always endeavor to deal with these matters in a professional, sensitive and efficient manner.


The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act, 2010 introduced a new scheme for co-habiting couples.

Under this new Act, a qualifying cohabitee can apply to the Courts for financial orders similar to those granted during a divorce or judicial separation.

To qualify as a “cohabitant” you must meet certain criteria. The Act does allow couples to enter what’s known as a Cohabitants’ Agreement which is a legal agreement setting out rights in advance and is a form of protection.

We’re Here To Help

At Geraghty & Co., Solicitors LLP we have extensive experience in dealing with Family Law at all levels.

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